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Matching to Providers
Matching to Providers
Nail down the steps to take after providers are matched to your project.
How does matching work?
When can I invite providers to my project?
Can I add providers that are not yet on Globality?
How do I invite providers to my project?
Can I specify which provider contacts get invited to my project?
What is Glo Insights?
How will I know if a provider is diversity and inclusion certified?
How will I know what attributes providers have?
Can I require a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before sharing project information with providers?
Can I invite more providers?
Can I communicate with providers all at once?
How do I exclude a provider that has been invited to my project?
How do I reconsider a provider that was excluded?
Can I waive a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) after inviting providers?