If you wish to invite a colleague for the purpose of collaborating on a specific project, please check the guidance provided in this link: How do I invite a colleague to a project?
Only users with the “System Administrator” company role can invite a new user to Globality and assign them a company role, outside the context of a project:
- Click on the “Administration” link in the main menu and then click on the “User Management” tile
- Click on “Edit” for the setting called “Users”
- Click “Invite New User.”
Provide the required details, assign a company role, and click “Invite.” Your invited colleagues will receive an email notification letting them know they have been invited to Globality
If you do not have the appropriate permissions and would like to invite new users to Globality, please contact Globality Support.
It is important to note that for companies which use Single-Sign-On (SSO) to login into Globality, there could be additional steps to gain access to Globality, based on your company’s policies.