Every Globality user is assigned a company role when they first join the Platform. Users are also assigned a project role that determines what actions they can take for a specific sourcing event.
Company Roles
A company role is assigned when a user joins Globality. Only users with the "System Administrator” company role can manage users’ company roles, using the Administration section.
The following is a list of the company roles and actions for each role:
System Administrator
- Create new projects
- Collaborate on projects they were invited to
- Invite new users to the Platform to collaborate on a project
- View and join all company projects they have access to
- Download reports for project they have access to
- Take action on approval requests they have access to
- Manage Administration settings
- Manage users and their company roles
Procurement Administrator
- Create new projects
- Collaborate on projects they were invited to
- Invite new users to the Platform to collaborate on a project
- View and join all company projects they have access to
- Download reports for projects they have access to
- Take action on approval requests they have access to
Standard User
- Create new projects
- Collaborate on projects they were invited to
- Invite new users to the Platform to collaborate on a project
Collaboration User
- Collaborate on projects they were invited to
- Invite new users to the Platform to collaborate on a project
- Access the Webhooks Administration section
- Collaborate on projects they were invited to
Project Roles
A project role is assigned when a user is invited to a specific project. Only users with the appropriate permissions can manage project roles in the project’s team section.
The following is a list of the project roles and actions for each role:
Project Procurement
- View Project Overview
- View the Brief
- Edit the Brief
- Submit the Brief
- Invite users to the project
- Change business users project roles (full range)
- Invite a Provider to participate in the project (Even when approvals are required)
- Request a proposal/revised proposal from a provider
- Exclude a provider
- View a proposal
- Assess a proposal
- Approve a proposal and start Award
- Complete award
- Rate a provider
- Access and initiate messages to Client internal team and Globality Support
- Access and initiate an external conversation with a provider and send a broadcast message to multiple Providers
- Change the project’s State (Active/Paused/Cancelled)
Project Owner
- View Project Overview
- View the Brief
- Edit the Brief
- Submit the Brief
- Invite users to the project (Up to Project Owner role)
- Change business users project roles (Up to Project Owner role)
- Invite a Provider to participate in the project (Or request an approval to invite a provider if needed)
- Request a proposal/revised proposal from a provider
- Exclude a provider
- View a proposal
- Assess a proposal
- Approve a proposal and start Award
- Complete award (Or request an approval to invite a provider if an approval is needed)
- Rate a provider
- Access and initiate messages to Client internal team and Globality Support
- Access and initiate an external conversation with a provider and send a broadcast message to multiple Providers
- Change the project’s State (Active/Paused/Cancelled)
Project Editor
- View Project Overview
- View the Brief
- Edit the Brief
- Submit the Brief
- Invite users to the project (Up to Project Editor role)
- Change business users project roles (Up to Project Editor role)
- Request a proposal/revised proposal from a provider
- Exclude a provider
- View a proposal
- Assess a proposal
- Rate a provider
- Access and initiate messages to Client internal team and Globality Support
- Access and initiate an external conversation with a provider and send a broadcast message to multiple Providers
Project Evaluator
- View Project Overview
- View the Brief
- View a proposal
- Assess a proposal
- Rate a provider
- Access and initiate messages to Client internal team and Globality Support
- Access external conversations with a provider they were invited to
- View Project Overview
Project Viewer
- View Project Overview
- View the Brief
- View the proposal
- Access and initiate messages to Client internal team and Globality Support
- Access external conversations with a provider they were invited to
- View Project Overview