How do I manage a Statement of Work (SOW) on Globality?

The Globality Platform enables you to choose the appropriate SOW template to use with your selected provider during the award phase. Glo automatically pre-populates the template for you with key information that is in the provider’s proposal and your brief. This functionality reduces manual efforts during the contracting stage, driving efficiency and accuracy.

Once you approve a provider’s proposal, Glo will guide you through the award process where you can select an SOW template: 

1. Select the appropriate template you would like to use with the provider. The templates are provided by your organization and can be previewed by clicking on the “Preview file” link. If you do not see the template you require, or would like to add other templates, please contact Globality Support.

2. Glo will create a draft SOW on your behalf that is pre-filled with information from the provider’s proposal and your brief (i.e., project name, cost center, provider contact information, milestones, fees). You will need to download the SOW to review, modify, and execute with the provider using your current signing process. If you need to use a different template, click “Previous Question” at the bottom to go back to the SOW template selection question. (Note that only one draft will be saved on the Platform.)

3. Glo will then prompt you to confirm that you have executed the SOW with the provider and to upload a completed SOW in to order to complete the award process. To delete an uploaded document, simply hover over the document and click on the “x” that appears in the top right corner.

4. After you have awarded your project, you can view the award details by navigating to the provider’s overview and clicking the “Award” section.

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