Only users with system administrator role can create reusable proposal sections and questions.
Related articles:
1. Navigate to “Administration” in the navigation panel.
2. Open Proposals by clicking on the “Proposals” tile.
3. Open Proposal Section Library by clicking “Edit”.
4. Create a proposal section by clicking “Create Proposal Section”. A proposal section contains a list of questions for providers to answer.
5. Edit the proposal section name, description, and add proposal questions.
Common Actions:
- Add questions - click the “+” button on the bottom right of each question.
- Add multiple questions - click the “+” button on the bottom right of the question and select “Add Multiple Questions”, then copy and paste from your existing document or type in multiple questions.
Change response types - use the “response type” dropdown menu for each question to select the desired response type.
- Free Response - provider can respond in free text format up to 10,000 characters.
- Multiple Choice - provider can select from multiple choice options (up to 10 options).
- Matrix - provider has the same multiple-choice options for a set of questions.
- Require a question - check the “Required” checkbox for any question you want to require a provider response.
- Allow attachments - check the “Allow attachments” checkbox for any question you want to allow providers to include attachments.
- Change the order of questions - hover over the top part of the question and drag and drop the question.
- Delete a question - click on the action menu (three dots) in the top right corner of the question and click "Delete Question."
- Save a section as inactive - uncheck the “Active” checkbox to make it unavailable for users to add to their projects’ proposal requirements.
- Save your changes – click the “Save” button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
6. When finished, click “Save” to save your progress and return to the Proposal Section Library.