Overview Demo Video (2 minutes)
Watch this 2-minute video to understand why Globality is the leader in autonomous sourcing and revolutionizes the buying process for Global 2000 companies, delivering substantial savings.
Overview Demo Video (Spanish)
Mira este video de ocho minutos y comprenderás bien la forma en que Globality funciona para abastecer servicios en todos los sectores estratégicos de tu empresa, logrando a la vez ahorros considerables y eficiencia, y cumpliendo tus objetivos ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza.
Overview Demo Video (Portuguese-Br)
Assista a este vídeo de 7 minutos para obter uma compreensão profunda de como a Globalidade funciona para fornecer serviços em todos os seus gastos estratégicos para gerar economias substanciais, eficiência e atender às suas metas ESG. (A gravação de voz é em português)
Overview Demo Video (German)
Dieses 7-minütige Video erklärt eingehend, wie Globality funktioniert und das Sourcing von Dienstleistungen für all Ihre strategischen Ausgaben übernimmt, damit Sie bedeutende Einsparungen, Effizienz und Ihre ESG-Ziele erreichen. (Die Sprachausgabe ist auf Deutsch.)
Overview Demo Video with Ariba Integration
Watch this 8-minute video to see how Globality brings transformational innovation to the way your company sources indirect spend by completely replacing the antiquated RFP process using the power of AI.
Overview Demo Video with Fieldglass Integration
Watch this 6-minute video to see how Globality brings transformational innovation to the way your company sources indirect spend by completely replacing the antiquated RFP process using the power of AI.
Overview Demo Video with SAP Fieldglass
Watch this video to see how Globality seamlessly integrates with SAP Fieldglass.
Overview Demo Video (Panel of Suppliers)
Watch this video to see how Globality's AI-powered Platform drives substantial results when consolidating and building a high-quality panel of suppliers.
How We Match Demo Video (3 minutes)
Watch this video to see how AI engineer Pierce Freeman describes the way Glo, Globality’s cutting-edge AI engine, matches your company to the best supplier at the right price for every project.
How We Match Demo Video (1 ½ minutes)
Watch this video to see how AI engineer Pierce Freeman describes the way Glo, Globality’s cutting-edge AI engine, matches your company to the best supplier at the right price for every project.
How We Match Demo Video (Spanish CC)
Mire este video para ver cómo el ingeniero de inteligencia artificial Pierce Freeman describe la forma en que Glo, el motor de inteligencia artificial de vanguardia de Globality, conecta a su empresa con el mejor proveedor al precio correcto para cada proyecto. (Subtítulos en español.)
How We Match Demo Video (Portuguese-Br CC)
Assista a este vídeo para ver como o engenheiro de IA Pierce Freeman descreve a maneira como o Glo, o mecanismo de IA de ponta da Globality, combina sua empresa com o melhor fornecedor pelo preço certo para cada projeto. (Legendagem em português.)
How We Match Demo Video (German CC)
Sehen Sie sich dieses video an, um zu sehen, wie KI-Ingenieur Pierce Freeman beschreibt, wie Glo, die hochmoderne KI-Engine von Globality, Ihr Unternehmen mit dem besten Lieferanten zum richtigen Preis für jedes Projekt zusammenbringt. (Legendas em alemão.)