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Scoping a Project
Scoping a Project
Learn how to initiate a new project and define precise deliverables for each one.
How do I start a new project and build my Brief?
How do I define my project requirements?
How do I invite a colleague to a project?
Does Glo suggest answers I have given in previous briefs?
Does Glo suggest improvements to subject matters?
What is generative AI-based scoping?
Can I share existing project documents with Glo to accelerate my scoping process?
What infrastructure does Globality use for its generative AI capabilities?
Do I need to answer the mandatory questions?
Can I edit my Smart Brief at any time?
Can I skip questions that are not mandatory?
How do I add proposal questions for providers to answer?
Can I include my own custom criteria to assess proposals?
Can I upload relevant supporting documents with my brief?
Can I specify the time when proposals are due?
Can I use my own standard templates for providers to complete?
What are Globality pricing templates?
Can I view and manage all my projects in one place?
How do I view important project information?
Can I view all awarded projects?
Can I pause or cancel projects?
Can I make a copy of a project?
Is my team notified when I make edits to the brief?
Are providers notified when I make edits to the brief?
How do I download my brief?
What do workflows look like in a project?
How do I add line items to my project?