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Evaluating Proposals
Evaluating Proposals
Select the best provider after reviewing and comparing customized proposals.
How will I know when a provider submits a proposal?
How do I review and compare proposals on the Platform?
Can I compare proposal costs and timeline in a visual manner?
Can providers submit more than one proposal?
How do I extend the proposal deadline for a project?
How do I assess providers?
How do I request a proposal revision?
Can I view different versions of a proposal?
Are all providers notified when a revision is requested?
What is E-Negotiation?
How do I download my proposals?
How do I use automated e-negotiation?
How do I use Proposal Analysis?
What is the pricing summary analysis?
What is the staffing analysis?
What is the line item summary analysis?
What is the line item detail analysis?
What is the line item adjustment analysis?
How to structure pricing templates?